The future of work is WILD.

Build a living system not a machine.

WorkWILD is a bioinspired consultancy. I work with founders bold enough to look beyond the human world to build healthy, effective, regenerative teams inspired by nature.


Working in partnership with nature to grow regenerative businesses from seed.


‘Sustainable’ to the core, life on earth is circular, regenerative and ever-evolving to keep up with our volatile and changing planet. Your team can be too.

I help start-ups learn from and then emulate nature’s ideas, processes and systems to work in ways that are good for people, profit and planet.


With 3.8 billion years of experience at overcoming life’s challenges, the organisms and ecosystems that survive on earth today are at the peak of their evolutionary journey. We are surrounded by millions of natural models for alternative team structures, effective leadership, diversity, agility, resilience, collaboration and communication.

I help founders take off their ‘boardroom blinkers’ and tap into this tried and tested wisdom.


A seed contains the perfectly packaged blueprint for a thriving organism from the beginning. There’s no retro-fitting or tick boxing in nature!

I work with founders to embed my bioinspired business principles from the very start - ensuring they stay nature-aligned, healthy and regenerative as they scale and grow.

Bioinspired Business Principles

The guiding principles to get you off to a wild start.

‘Life’s Principles’ are a set of twenty six strategies, collated by Biomimicry 3.8, that all life on earth uses to survive on our planet.

Inspired by these, I have distilled my own seven principles to act as a guiding light for start-ups looking to build teams that function like living systems.

Who I work with

Based in London, I work with purpose-led start-ups at the forefront of sustainable innovation.

If you and your team are…

On a mission to leave the planet better than you found it.

Humble enough to treat nature as your mentor.

Brave enough to pioneer a new way of doing business.

I want to work with you.

About me

My mission is to cultivate a regenerative, nature-aligned future for our world, one start-up at a time.


I’m a bioinspired business consultant and naturalist with over 7 years experience in branding, insight and strategy.

I founded workWILD in 2023 and regularly collaborate with a global network of biomimics, ecologists, business leaders and sustainability experts.